Life can be hard.

One minute life is up, and the next it is down. And then we’re left wondering what happened?! A few tidbits that have proven helpful for me:

  1. BREATHE. Yes, we all hear about the importance of this, but I’m finding it to be truly valuable. Place a hand on your heart and one on your belly. Inhale, filling your entire body up with breath, cleansing, and goodness. Exhale, releasing negative emotions, internal scratchiness, and toxins of all sorts (physical, emotional, spiritual).

  2. PRESENCE. Stay in the moment. It’s all we have anyway so why not look around and see what is rather than worrying about what was or what could be?

  3. TRUST. You’ve been high, low, and inbetween. It’s a natural rhythm. Nothing is wrong with you. We are entirely taken care of, so try leaning into something bigger that is holding and supporting you.

  4. LAUGH, SMILE, DANCE. No, really—it works!! Try out any or all of these. Fake it ‘til you make it. I did a little dance party and literally felt the layers of unease fall away.

  5. ALLOW. It is so important to allow yourself to feel whatever you’re experiencing. Ignoring or pushing your feelings away is harmful because they will surface bigger and badder. Although counterintuitive, when I deliberately choose to acknowledge and allow myself to feel the uncomfortable, the emotion lightens. It’s like the weight starts to fall away and I can breathe a little easier and see a little clearer. Tara Brach offers the RAIN technique, which is where I learned to “allow.”

I’m sorry it’s hard. I’m sorry for me (ha!)…and other people, animals, plants, and the planet. We are all cogs in this complex wheel, and our light matters. I wish us all well.

And now, I’m going to dance…

Dominique Etcheverry