
The practice of grounding is simple and incredibly beneficial. Our days (and nights) are spent in our heads—we speak, we think, we worry, we daydream, we dream, we analyze, we project. Let’s pull that energy down to the earth. Let’s be childlike and feel our feet beneath us and shift our headspace to the earthspace. Consciously connecting to the earth (a.k.a. grounding) will help clear your head and offer clarity and peace. Below are some different ways to ground:

  • See yourself as a tree with roots coming out of the bottoms of your feet, anchoring into the ground and extending to the bright, hot center of the earth. 

  • Incorporate diaphragmatic breathing: inhale through your nose while pushing your belly button out and then exhaling forcefully through your mouth.

    • Stand with both feet on the ground.

    • With your inhale through your nose, inhale the pure, life force energy of the earth up through your feet/tree roots and through your body. See that energy lighting up your chest/heart center.

    • With your exhale through your mouth, exhale with the intention that you are letting go of everything that no longer serves you or the greater good. See and feel this energy leaving your body down through your feet/tree roots and being recycled into the earth to be renewed. This energy once served a purpose but is no longer needed or you have outgrown it. 

  • Wiggle your toes during the day to bring conscious attention to your feet and their placement on the earth. 

  • With each step you take, envision your feet sinking 2" into the earth.

  • To amplify the effectiveness of grounding exercises, try putting your bare feet directly on the earth (dirt, grass, or concrete) while doing these exercises.

Happy grounding!
