What the animals have to say...

All of my clients teach me something new and unexpected. Some of my best teachers seem to be animals, of which I am lucky enough to work on a variety. Animals share the most amazing insight. They are open and free of our many limiting human layers. They are also more in need of energy healing than we realize and are far more advanced and aware of personal and universal dynamics and energy.

Meet Q and Chocolate—two handsome horses that I work with in-person and remotely. They have benefited from energy healing work pinpointing their physical issues and needs, allowing their owner (“S”) to implement solutions and see improvement. More importantly, though, they communicate their needs and provide insight that I revel in and find applicable.

In a recent session, I could sense that Q was struggling energetically. Below is an excerpt of Q’s explanation for his “grogginess,” as he called it: Well, I feel what’s going on on all levels, meaning the person standing next to me or the clouds in the sky. (And lately?) Lately it hasn’t felt right, or good. Kind of wacky and big. It’s unstable. (Anything specific?) Relationships. People. The uncertainties of life. It’s turning people upside down. There’s no consistency. Q also explained his observation of the human experience: (Any likes or dislikes? Whatever you’re comfortable with sharing.) Okay, I despise the drama. So unnecessary. People and their dreams and worries. Seriously?! It is not real. (What is real? Teach us. Show us.) What is real is the pulsing in our heart. The truth of who we are. The ground beneath our feet. [yes, he said “feet” rather than “hooves”] It is real to just be. Stop looking over your shoulder or always wanting more. Right here and now are real. I see this. I know this. It is truth. I am wise. (You are!) Thank you. I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but you people miss the mark. You’re always seeking, which leads to drama, which I see here. (Do you see good here?) Of course I do! It is inevitable. We are animals in nature. And we have S. She is good for us and to us. She is wise. So very wise. I hope she knows that. (I’ll tell her.) Good.

Chocolate, much younger than Q, also summarizes the ups and downs we may feel: (How do you feel energetically, meaning the stuff beyond what we see?) Oh, I feel it! (More?) I feel shifts and changes. (In what way?) Energetically. Emotionally. Sometimes like it compresses me. [Was shown an image of a C-clamp compressing Chocolate on both sides] (Is it hard?) Yes. Sometimes. (Where do you think the energy or emotion comes from?) Lots of places. My heart. S’s heart. The heart of the universe. It can be a whirlwind...gathering, gathering, gathering until poof! it explodes. It’s powerful and energetic. (Does it ebb and flow or is it always like this?) It’s not always like this, but it’s getting worse. The energy is building. [Perceived he was mainly referring to the universal energy.] In another session Chocolate offers more insight into the animal experience: My truth is that I see more than is realized. (Tell me more.) I see emotion. I see energy. I see wind. It is more colorful in my world. There is always more to be realized…

There is always more to say, but for today, I’ll leave it to the animals. Take good care, and take the time to be still and listen to what your animals have to say.

Dominique Etcheverry