All Is Well Boise, Inc.

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Peace and presence.

I just spent a good portion of August working on my family’s sheep ranch. It’s such a grounding experience, working all day in the mountains among animals. And there’s always much to observe, especially an animal’s presence and awareness. Animals are so in tune, knowing how and when to move in a way intended for their benefit. More impressive to me is their response to the energy of their surrounding environment, especially that of humans. Although obvious, it’s worth noting that animals are not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. They’re right there, where their feet are planted and their eyes are looking.

For some reason I find that my transition from my work on the ranch back to “regular” life takes a bit of time and patience. One of my regular animal clients, Q, is an older horse that has been more frequently communicating his experience of existing between two worlds. Q recently helped bring it all home, specifically with the last two sentences of our conversation. Below is a portion of our conversation, with my questions/responses in parentheses:

I am looking at the feeling of not being whole. (What do you mean?) Well, you see, I recognize that it’s one thing to touch and feel the physical body but entirely another to be it. (So your physical body is here but you don’t feel like your soul or energetic self is totally here?) Yes, that is what I mean. I recognize that I am two places at once. (Has it always been this way and you’re just recognizing it or is this new?) It is new. (And where is your energetic self if not here?) I am in a realm of sublime being. I am observing, watching, seeing but I am not in pain or suffering. It is quite the opposite. I am free and agile and laughing. (Are you in pain and suffering in your current physical state?) I wouldn’t say that, no. But I remember what it is to hurt. There is none of that in the higher realm. It is true freedom. (Any other observations about this higher space?) Well, it is light, not so dense. It is very nice. (Would you rather be there permanently, or do you want to stick around here?) That’s a tricky question, Dominique. You know that. Who doesn’t want to live in peace? But I am not ready to go, yet. I care for my physical world. I want to be here, and of course, love being there. But it is not a choice to be made. (Really?!) No, of course not. It is peace of mind for where I am presently. That can be here or that can be there. You see? (Yes, I do.)

I wish all beings presence and peace of mind, as I know I will make it a continual focus of my daily living. Peace and presence to you.